Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hi all,

The reason for returning a commited quantity as 9999999999: So the issue is completely at Master data maintenance level. 

details as follows: 

There are 2 Cases: 1. ATP check for the Req Date & Req Quant.
2. ATP check for entire Material-Plant-Storage Loc

In either of the cases: Initially a checks for the Stock level at plant level takes place, then depending on stock availability the BAPI calculates the ATP quant.

IF the stock at plant level = 0.
• Then first RLT (Replenishment Lead Time) is calculated (as per Material master data) and then it calculates the RLT Date as follows
IF Req Date = Passed.
RLT Date = Req Date + RLT time
RLT Date = Current Date + RLT time

Finally at the time of ATP calculation for Zero stock another check at this RLT date happens, as follows.

IF RLT Date GT (Req Date-If passed otherwise Rundate).
ATP check gets populated depending on current date’s available stock.
Means The ATP check is irrelevant, as no stock available and no visibility for stock updation. So a hard coded “9999999999.000” value is being populated to output Quantity field.

Edited by: 19740_SANTHI on Mar 1, 2010 7:33 AM

Edited by: 19740_SANTHI on Mar 1, 2010 7:35 AM

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